Lambeth Wind Orchestra with Clare McCaldin 28th April

Clare McCaldin (mezzo) singing Madrigali Dell'Estate at the Royal Opera House Linbury Theatre

Clare McCaldin (mezzo) singing Madrigali Dell'Estate at the Royal Opera House Linbury Theatre (Image: John Lloyd Davies)

The excellent Lambeth Wind Orchetra - with whom I have a long and fruitful association - will be giving a concert on 28th April featuring mezzo soprano Clare McCaldin singing Image in Stone.  This was a work I wrote at the invitation of Timothy and Hilary Reynish to commemorate their son William.  Interestingly given the amount of my music she has premiered ('about a box-set's worth', she reckons!), this is the first time that Clare has sung this work.  I'm very much looking forward to her interpretation of the texts by John Donne, Walt Whitman and Christina Rosetti with her usual faultless diction, clear line and emotional understanding.  Also on the programme will be Moving Parts, a work originally premiered in Cornwall in 1992 and featured on the new wind CD mentioned elsewhere.  The concert will be conducted by John Holland  - whose adventurous programming and enthusiastic support of new music makes him a leader in this area.